Application of game theory to business strategy


Game theory is the most popular mathematical tool, the spheres of application of which are economics, finance, management, politics, and military science. The game theory is a multi-faceted phenomenon, which, despite being theoretical in nature, highly affects real-life business situations.

What is Coopetition strategy?

 Brandenburger and Nalebuff (1995) believe that coopetition is a situation in which the firm must cooperate and compete at the same time.

The term coopetition to indicate a situation in which companies to consider both cooperative and competitive strategy to be successful; in these cases we have coopetitive games (win-win solution) (Padula, Dagnino, 2007).

 Collaboration with competitors for innovation includes both a cooperative and a competitive relation between companies offering the same type of product for the same type of customer (Gnyawali, Fernandez, Le Roy, 2018).

How to better to co-create and co-innovate? 

Coopetition strategies for Airlines Industry based on
Game theory

This study focuses on the game theory aiming to create coopetition strategy for airlines based on various forms of cooperation. Airlines have created networks of alliances and signed codesharing agreements in order to increase the competitive advantages and customer benefits, which include increasing number of destinations, reducing costs, promoting innovation, increasing the level and standards of customer service, and increasing company's brand recognition that individual companies cannot provide. Previous literature studies on coopetition strategy focus on the interaction analysis of only two players in the game, the setting is limited to the symmetric pure Nash strategy equilibrium. However, the main objective of this study is to create the coopetitive strategic games for Emirates Airlines and Etihad Airways based on the different types of cooperation with non-opposite interests that allows to identify which games can be played in each conflict of interest and situation in future development faced by airlines in their operating environments

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